Ignore the bitter reviews from cynical people who have something against good food. -- Having said that, I am a single guy in my late 20s and I'd humbly suggest that I have quite a bit of experience when it comes to burgers. My favorite time to come here is on a early Saturday lunchtime when the crowds haven't stumbled out of bed yet, and get the freshest, tastiest double cheeseburger you've ever sunk your teeth into. Everything about this sandwich is incredible. The beef patties taste never frozen and are of a quality you will never find in a mega-chain. Their spectacular bakery buns, while not substantial, are full of flavor and do a great job of holding the guts of the sandwich together. Coney's signature fry sauce is a thick sauce with relish added, and they spread that all over the heel before adding lettuce, tomato, and your beef patties+cheese with onions sandwiched in between.. grilled or ungrilled as you prefer. *drool* -- Needless to say, I find myself craving one of these fantastic cheeseburgers quite often. -- The custard is also very recommendable. I have limited experience with frozen custard, but it is very rich compared to typical ice creams; even more so than Haagen Dazs and Ben&Jerry's varieties. If the flavor of the day doesn't appeal to me, I'll grab a cone of chocolate or vanilla as my taste indicates that day. If the flavor of the day happens to grab my appetite I'll order a pint to go. Never had a bad experience with any of their wide variety of flavors. -- Lastly, their service is great, for the type of establishment they run. This is leisurely fast food. As I said, I like to go during off-peak times of the day. Even so, it takes them a while to build me a burger, but the wait is worth it. The staff is usually friendly even when rushed. Bottom line: this is a great place to come and enjoy quality food you won't find most other places.
Pros: Fantastic Burgers. Great chili cheese dogs. Excellent Ice Cream. Friendly staff.
Cons: Small store. Longer than average wait time.