Concise version of what happened: laptop given for an estimate comes back with additional damage rendering the laptop not-usuable! I had given my laptop to get an estimate to get the LCD cover fixed, battery life checked and to check the occassional, intermittent flicker of screen. Since it is work laptop, I had paid extra to have computer zoo give me an estimate in 24hours, rather than usual 5-7 business day turn around so that I could use the laptop while I get the repair approved by my boss. The laptop came back with dead screen. i took to couple other places to get it fixed and they said the motherboard was short circuited while dismantling and assembling by computer zoo. Computer zoo refuseds to take the responsibility and now I am stuck with useless laptop which had all my data, prgrams. I would be very careful giving your laptop to them for repair. Use them at ur own risk!