I bought a 480w power supply from this company on a saturday afternoon I paid 69.99 + tax and when I got home and opened the box the power supply felt really cheap, so I started to research it on line and I found it for 15.00 on newegg, started reading reviews about that particular power supply and most people advised to stay away from it. I didn't install it, waited until Monday to take it back for a refund and there was a guy at the counter with a customer, I waited for a little while before I said anything and when he asked if I needed help, I told him I needed a refund . He said he couldn't refund my money because they have a no refund policy and I looked around the store for a sign and couldn't find one, so I asked him, where does it say that? he said ""it's here on the receipt"" I told him that that was not right because you only get to look at the receipt after you pay for the part and than is too late, he said ""well, it's here in the work order too"",so I told him that I had never taken anything in for repair how was I to know. ""well that's our policy"" he said, so I told him that the problem was that this was a 15 dollar part and I didn't think it was fair for them to sell it for 70 and he said that's how they make money and that all the other companies mark them up that much.
I ask if they could exchange it for a better known brand and I would pay the difference and he called the owner on the phone and explained what the problem was and he was told that since I took the part out of the store they had no way of knowing if I had installed the part and burned it or something and the best they could do was buy the psu from me for $20.00 of give me a $40.00 discount if I bought a more expensive one.
That really insulted me and pissed me off, I told him I knew it wasn't his fault cause he was just an employee, but to tell his m******f***ing boss to put a sign on the wall with his policies and walked out. This is the last time I ever buy anything from computer bytes and you want to buy anything from them research the parts they are selling you or you might be getting a cheap part when you could buy a much better part for the same price