For the Lady that wrote down that she got asked out by the Manager all i can say is that I helped her that day with her Computer purchased. I did her invoice, and the Manager wasn't even having a conversation with her (it was with her friend that they were having a conversation with.) Moreover, her computer had 90 days warranty and clearly stated by me and the invoice received that the software wasn't included in the warranty that means if she got Viruses or any attempt to change settings on the software the warranty doesn't cover it. After, when she took the computer her and her friend were talking to My Manager about going to Listen to Jazz and that was it. I never heard him speak to her alone. \r
Moreover, when the husband brought back the computer to get fix the computer had a fake copy of Windows Vista with Virus. Clearly that Is not cover under the warranty. The husband got mad and was cussing at the Technician saying profanity and threatening him. Not the proper way to treat someone. \r
Here at Computer Annex we do Honor your warranty, but as everything it has exceptions. It's clearly stated that Software is not cover under warranty. We install an OEM (original version) of Windows. We are not responsible for Viruses or any change done to the system. \r
Please, don't get fooled by people that just because we don't do what they want they start writing bad comments (unfortunately it's always easier to write down a bad comment than a good one). We have been in business for over 10 years, we know what we do and we are here to help customers. We have a lot of repeated customers and to us that's what we are about. \r
Please if you have any question give us a call or come visit and prove yourself that we are not like they say they are. \r
Thank you, \r