Even though you probably have no choice in internet providers if youre looking at Comporium as an option, don't go into the deal thinking you're actually getting what you pay for. Comporium is barely allowed to call itsself high speed. Maybe a few years ago they were up to par, but they haven't exactly, lets say, progressed with technology. If you take a simple internet speed test with Comporium youll find that plenty of other Internet Providers around the country provide much faster internet for the same price. Also, theyre pretty terrible at maintenance too. Any time theres a lightning storm, your cable and internet is liable to go out. But, of course you can't really do anything about it because any time another Internet Provider wants to come to town, Comporium pays them to keep out. And they're also nowhere near in danger of a lawsuit because Rock Hill is considered ""rural"" enough to loosen some monopoly laws. So thats Comporium in a nutshell. If you ever want to be connected through cable internet in Rock Hill, you are going to have to pay to be screwed and you can't do anything about it.
-And on a sidenote, they hire a lot of people in Rock Hill, so you'll see a load of reviews that are good, because either that person works there or has a family member that works there.
...Yeah, theyre definitely not an honest company.