I am a 40-year-old woman in the best shape of my life. Before starting with Complete Fitness Results, I was “fit” and tried my best to eat right and be healthy, but I had fallen from my routine due to personal hardships. I met with Steve to discuss my situation. We went through my goals and he put me through a workout to evaluate my current fitness level. During this evaluation Steve identified areas I had not been paying attention to in my normal routine, specifically core strength and stabilization. Throughout the year that I have been working out with Steve, not only have I become more fit physically, I have become more emotionally stable realizing that weight is not the true gauge of health. Though I have lost only 9 pounds, I have lost over ten inches of fat from my body and 2 pant sizes. The boot camps are fun and always changing to avoid boredom but maintain focus on strength training and cardio. The personal training with Steve and Dave is so individual that even though I have recently suffered a shoulder injury, I am still able to train and workout safely. Steve has even discussed my injury with physical therapists and chiropractors using the ART technique to incorporate strengthening and stabilization exercises into my workouts. Steve’s commitment to my recovery is inspirational. Add to that Maya’s nutritional training and expertise in eliminating inflammatory foods causing physical ailments, and I am feeling better than ever. If you are looking for a regular gym, this is definitely not where you want to be, but if you are looking for Complete Fitness Results, you have found the exact right place!