I grew up in this church as a member for over 10 years. I called this my home. Rev Mike Coffee who was once my youth pastor has been a head pastor at the church for about 6 years now along with Frank G. (Butch) Fahnestock. For anyone thinking about going to this church I highly advise you to STAY AWAY!!! Mike Coffee has been molesting women in the church for over 5 years. There is a criminal investigation underway now but he is still there preaching every Sunday. Pastor Butch knows what is going on and is not doing anything about it. Women are slowly coming out with their stories and the more I hear, the more upsetting this gets. He preys on those who come to him for counseling and with stop at nothing. For many, this is hard to believe as I would never have thought in a million years they could do this. However, I first handedly learned that this was entirely true. Before becoming a pastor, Mike served as a police officer. His story is that he was let go to a shooting he found himself in protecting himself. This isn't true either. With the current investigation, we learned that he was fired due to multiple instances of women being harassed and cases against him. Please do not go here!