This is one of the worst comic book stores if not the worst in the world. The store itself is a mess, nothing is up-to-date and everything is damaged.
Now you can ask, how can modern comic books be damaged so severely when looking through this store's inventory. Simple, the owner refuses to protect and store the comics properly. Nothing is boarded and thus every comic book though worthless is completely damaged.
Now for the good part, wait until you meet the owner. He's all smiles when he tries to sell you something. But there are two sides to every coin. This is guy is prejudiced, racist and sexist. More than once I have heard him say racial and prejudice remarks about minorities. And here comes the best part, he hates kids and implies they're all rotten and no good.
This store deserves to be shut down for good. But if you like to be lied to and talked nasty about once you leave the store, by all means go and get your poison.