While there are a few psychologists and mental health professionals who actually like 'helping people' and provide badly needed services, dr tom colyer is not one of them. dr colyer is the most incompetent, reckless and professionally negligent psychologist i've ever encountered. there are a lot of problems with dr colyer but because i have limited space here let me just point out that he's been known to not be available for prearranged appointments and he gets very bored with his patients rather quickly and that means when he gets tired of you and your problems he'll terminate your treatment with little or no notice. his defense is always the same - he's done all he is 'required' to do. terminating services on a whim for his patients already in crisis is good for dr. colyers comfort but irreparably crippling and destructive for his patients. the government too must share in the responsibility because they allow him to be licensed year after year. clearly dr colyers professional and ethical standards are not illegal, but they certainly are immoral. shame on the government and shame on the psychology profession. don't waste your time contacting psychology associations, because patients who have had their lives destroyed by even their own members are the least of their concerns. their focus is on protecting their dues paying members and in this case that's dr thomas colyer. this is much too high a price for his patients to pay, but neither the government or the profession are going to protect his patients interest,(are you surprised?), so it's up to you and me and all those people who need these kinds of professional services to not patronize dr colyer and instead find a legitimate psychologist elsewhere, otherwise this could cost you your life. and don't forget dr tom colyer even says he only does the minimal that he is 'required' to do and sometimes that's just not enough. just thought you'd like to know.