I've been going to Club 24 Inc since it first opened its doors 6 to 7 years ago. I have a lot of friends that go to this gym. One day one of them that had recently joined told me he only paid 30 dollars a month. About my fourth year of being a member I had to cancel my membership because I Ruptured my Achillis Tendon and wouldn't be able to work out for at least 6 to 7 months. When I recovered I rejoined at the cost of 35 dollars a month. When I heard my friend tell me he had only been going for a month and was paying less then me I thought I would go and talk to FRANK (OWNER) He told me that he could lower my rate to 25 dollars and to go talk to (can't remember her name), but she handles all accounts and is a manager. So I went and talked to her and she said she could lower my rate to 30, but not 25 I explained that I had talked to Frank and I had been going there for 6 years. She said she would work on changing the fees and they should be fixed in the next billing cycle. 4 months later I checked my account yeah I was still being charged 35 dollars a month. I thought like most places they would value a long time costumer, but no they didn't care at all. I cancelled my membership in OCT to find out when I checked my account on NOV 3 they charged me 35 dollars and then another 30 dollars for an annual fee. I spoke to the manager again to try and get it fixed, but all she said was I'm sorry and it was in your contract. I asked if I could speak to FRANK the owner and she said she deals with all accounts and problems. What kind of business does that if a costumer has a problem and wants to speak to the owner he can't. Don't go to this gym theres a lot of small print in the contract and fees that come out of left field. Plus do you really want to go to a gym that their owners lie. Kennedy Club Fitness will charge you 30 dollars a month and has twice as much equipment. Pool spa, basketball courts etc... and they won't lie and cheat you out of your money!
Pros: Only pro I see is it's open 24 hours!
Cons: Managers, no basketball courts, swimming pool, etc, equipment