This pet store used to be one of my favorite places to shop on the weekends and Now It breaks my heart to even walk into this place anymore.There has been 2 litter mates that have been in those pens for close to a year.He claims they are Boston Terriers but Its obvious to look at them to know he is not being truthful.It is also very obvious that he cares more about the Ol' mighty dollar than the welfare of these babies.The 1st year of a pups life is the most impressionable time for socializing,housebreaking,vet visits,spay and neuter and so on..Oh and what about those poor King Charles Adults that he claims to have ""Saved"" that he keeps caged up in the back room all day and night?Is that even aloud?A few of us have spoke about picketing if the ""Bostons"" and Kings are still wasting away there when we check on Saturday. Someone has to be their voice.If not the community,Than Who?