Our son has been at A Children's Place for 2 years now. We can't say enough about the place. It is so clean, bright, and organized. The staff keep everything in order and are frequetly seen cleaning. Our son receives exellent care there. He loves to be there and frequently doesn't want to leave to go home. The staff are very caring and friendly...they are family. They treat us like family and they truly care about the kids they care for. The curriculum is outstanding. Our son knows things that we never thought he would know at this stage. He is so advanced and he surprises me every day. When we are out and about, we receive so many comments about how much he knows and people can not believe he is not older than what he is. The staff also focuses on good manners and they are very creative in the way they get the child's attention and keep it. It is truly amazing and the staff is just awesome. We feel very comfortable taking our toddler anywhere because he is very well behaved. He understands what is acceptable behavior and what is not. We believe they have helped to "mold" our son into an excellent toddler and person. He has a great self-esteem, has learned to be independent in ways that he can be, and still be kid. We could not ask for more in a daycare, truly where we want our child to be. They do a better job than we could and that is a lot to say! Thank you for all that you do!