I posted a review here two years ago when I first needed an apartment and how I had found a great agent named Paul Backer. Well, during the two years that passed I had moved into a new apartment I had found on my own. I thought I had been lucky to find it and didn't envision moving for at least a couple of years. Until somebody tried to blow up my apartment. Shortly after an arson attempt on my home, (Intentionally opened gas pipe + several burnt out match books surrounding it = Terrifying) I decided it was time to get out. I got in contact with Paul, and he immediately went to work on finding me a new place. However, this time, I was needing a place to buy, not rent. But it needed to be relatively cheap. And it needed to be near the red line. And it needed to have parking. And I needed it as soon as possible. And I needed one in a neighborhood where I wasn't moving out of an explosive house to a shot up one. Paul and I set out on a crazy journey to find this impossible place, and if I hadn't had him there to help me spot some things my eyes weren't trained to see, I might have wound up getting ripped off. But he was there, and sometimes would even come to show me a place on his day off. (His ONE day off. This man is a machine.) And thanks to him. I have a new condo in an amazing location for almost half of what other units in the same building are being sold for. I firmly believe that if I hadn't gotten Paul, I probably would still be in that horrible apartment, fearing for my life, jumping at every noise I heard outside, and grabbing a hammer and venturing downstairs expecting to find an intruder. Paul understood the urgency, and yet his attention to detail and my needs did not suffer for it. I can honestly say that I am able to sleep easily at night now because of Paul Backer. If that isn't a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is.