First off, this place is NOT a Museum and should not be allowed to call themselevs one. This is a ran down single size trailer with old toys. It reminded me of a trailer parks day care if they would have one. The staff (or people who lived there)were odd. I felt like I was a unwanted house guest. Also it looked like nothing had been cleaned in a long time. The outside was just as bad.Less then 100ft away are the sewage drains and it smells! I have listed below how the exhibits shoul read. Bay Window Exhibit: A window in the basement that views the woods. The Aquatic and land-living creatures are pets in cages(bunnie,chinchilla), they had turtles swimming in a inside plastic pond and a few fishtanks. Watermen: The ten-foot boat is ten feet LONG! They dont tell you its only 2-3ft high. It is a vary small wooden boat made for ages 2-4. Hard Hats: did not even see this. Body Works: A creepy room in the back of the trailer and looked like it came from a scarry movie. Express Yourself: Color on things out of a land fill (trash). Its a joke! Center Stage: Dress up in old clothes and stand on a woodbox for the stage. Not close to how its discribed Around the World: Not how they make it sound.Or what you would think it to be. Everything Under the Sun: No clue what this was or where it was. Never seen any exhibit at all on this. NASA needs to follow up on whatever they sent them. Underground Railroad Trail: They dont tell you that they only take groups of ten and only on tues and thurs, But you can take your self if you want with no map.