I was just writing you to let you know about our dining experience for 5280 week. We came in to the restaurant on 3/1 with a party of five people. To start the evening out, two of the people in our party were running late. So we were seated, but the server never came over to offer us any beverages until the rest of our party arrived. I am not exactly sure how long we sat there without being greeted, but I believe it was upwards of fifteen minutes. I would have been okay with the experience if this was the only negative experience we had. When we received our bill it was totaled up and we split the bill based on a $117 tab. I paid with cash and the other four party members paid with credit cards. When we were given back our receipts to sign, the other four people were charged $35.87, I paid with $24 cash. When you add this up it totals up to $167.48. When we went back and looked at it we discovered that the server had totaled up the good and beverage amount and then accidentally subtracted the liquor and tax. Instead of coming back and letting us know she had made a mathematical error, she just charged us the higher amount which was close to a $50 difference an just gave us the bill. Obviously, I am fine with paying for the meal we had, but when we were given a bill with $117, and then we are charged $167, and the server doesn't even inform us of the mistake and change in billing, that seems very dishonest. We asked her about the difference in the bill she had given us and the amount she had actually charged us, and she said there was no difference. We asked to see the original tab and she brought out the ticket which originally had $116.87, was changed to $166.87. To me that is not right, a simple math error is forgivable, when asked why there was a change to our bill and she responded with, there was no change to your bill, that is simply dishonest and very unprofessional. Of the five dinners in our party three work in the restaurant industry and are typically very forgiving, however, the experience we had this evening has left a very bad taste in all of our mouths. After we left the restaurant I called and asked to speak with a manager and was told there was not a manager working on a Monday evening during 5280 week. Based on this experience I would rank my dining experience in your restaurant, very close to the lowest I have had. Based on the spirit of 5280 and trying new restaurants that you typically wouldn't go to, I would have to say I have no positive comments about the Cherry Crest Seafood House. When asked by others what I thought of my experience, I would have to give it two thumbs down.