I'm an NYU student, and I was looking for somewhere in NYC to store my stuff over this past summer when I was studying abroad in Madrid. I chose terribly, because I picked Chelsea Mini Storage. When I returned to NYC in the fall, I went to open my unit. Oddly, neither of my two security keys worked. They said they would give me a "complimentary" lock-cutting... how "nice" of them. When I entered the room, I realized that someone (almost certainly an employee) stole my $700 flatscreen TV out of the unit. Clearly, they busted the lock, took the TV out, and put an identical lock back on the door. Chelsea Mini Storage denied I ever put the television in there in the first place -- and then refused to let me see security footage from over the summer. I submitted a claim to my student insurance and eventually got my money back, but that is neither here nor there -- the point is that a Chelsea Mini Storage is NOT a trustworthy company. AVOID THIS THIEVING STORAGE COMPANY AT ALL COSTS.