Good: Nothing ,, they also lie,. Bad: the work, very unprofessional-neighbor called them to cut a very old oak tree on his property, but when they were up there on the bucket, everything was coming down on our yard, i video taped it plus had to call the police.when I went outside and asked who gave them permission to throw the bark, onto our yard they said the man owner of our house, ok that would be my dad, who passed away in 77, Do they have super natural powers? then he said he knocked on the door downstairs and got permission, another mira. Improvements: cle, mom went to europe 3 days ago. then they told the cop i said they could not finish, hmmm I didn't hire them, why would i be permitted to say that?.Officer asks me can they come on the property to clean it up,, well yes officer please, thats all we really wanted anyhow, no mess, well the officer talks to them tells me and my brother, they will clean up then talk to the neighbor etc..ok..well as soon as the officer reached baldwin st, they left no clean up. called officer back, all of a sudden i hear. Other: sirens. they were stopped, officer called me tells me they talked to the neighbor on the phone, he was on his way home, to clean it up,,that was at 10.30am it's 6pm now. and all that shuff is.still out there,, he ruined our lawn, flower garden we have my mom has put in over. 30 years making the flower garden nice,,.