This neighborhood has gotten so ghetto. It's beyond ridiculous! There are always cops out here responding to domestic disputes. I've had to call the police three times in less than a year. Once, cuz my car was broken into, one domestic, and another domestic resulting in a feuding pedestrian being run over by the person in a car he/she was feuding with! My car is constantly targeted for vandalism and the cops can't do anything about it. The management doesn't seem to care either. There is no security here. It's too the point that I've started carrying... Yes, it's that bad! You'd think Lees Summit is a great place to be... try another neighborhood! I even looked at crime maps and it wasn't bad... until they started letting low income people here... now there's crime all the time. Also, obvious drug deals are happening at the school right across the street. Prices aren't too bad unless you've been here more than a year, then they sky-rocket. There's always some kind of invasion, whether it's poisonous spiders, squirrels living inside your attic area, wasps, jumping spiders, etc. These places need to be sprayed inside and out, and it's never been done once in the almost two years I've been here... And NO I am in no way a dirty person. I keep my unit up as well as I can... It's the problem of the neighborhood and lack of pest control by Chapel Oaks. I'm currently looking elsewhere, but for now I am stuck... Oh ya, and there's a sex offender living down the street too... Yes, they're everywhere, but he's right down the street from the school! These kids around here walk home by themselves all the time. It makes me soooo nervous! Not my kids. They don't go anywhere without some sort of supervision. The older kids around here act like they own this place. Always causing trouble, walking out in the middle of the street in front of your car so you have to stop... I hate this place! The management is less than helpful. The units are owned by different people, so there's ""nothing"" the management can do about it. We should call the cops... blah blah blah... But unless people are caught in the act, cops can't do a thing about it! My advice to anyone, run far far away from this place as fast as you can!