I had been a patient Of DR Hall for the past year 1/2 I am having allot of problems with My teeth and am in need of allot of surgical abstractions. My inurance only covers so much and financially I am unabale to afford these procedures. This has caued me to have a couple of bad abcesses. On 9/09/2013 I returned to Dr, Hall at Chanhassen dental to report that I am having allot of pain. He never scene me only his asistance. She told me I needed to get them teeth pulled I explained to her that The reason I have not yet is because I am very very much finacially unable too She also told me I needed a filling in one tooth. I left there discouraged once again only to recieve a CERTIFIED letter in the mail 2 days later saying that DR, Hall Feels that we are unable to build a good patient DR relationhip and that he would no longer treat me? What the heck is this all about?? Because I cant afford the work just shew me away? I was and am very very hurt by this and hope that NOBODY else has to endure this type of belittling or Judgement ever it is very very unprofessional... and sad this world is all about money and if you dont have none some places like chanhassen dental will make you feel like you are worth NOTHING>>>