I've been a member of Central for over four years now, and love it. It's the perfect mix of a theologically-diverse, in some ways traditional, yet very open-minded, intellectual, warm, caring religious community.
One reason so many members cite as attracting them to this church is our mission work-- our work to respond to the great need in our local community, and the global community. We seek to ""be Christ's hands and feet"" here on earth. For example, Central members years ago helped start New Genesis, the transitional homeless shelter housed in the church basement. We also helped found Central Visitation Program, a supervised visitation program that provides a safe and comfortable environment in which children and non-residential parents may visit. Central was also involved in founding Metro CareRing, a hunger relief organization that operates one of the largest food pantries in Denver and provides emergency and self-sufficiency services to those in need.
We are GLBT friendly, and aside from that, offer many different interest groups for people to get involved in (women's groups, men's groups, 20s/30s group, young familes, etc.). We've got an excellent, excellent Christian Education program for young children, plus a youth group. For adults, there are several different intellectually stimulating offerings each week.
I can't say enough about Central, but think this is enough for a review-- please come check us out to see for yourself!