shocking.... folks its a BUSINESS, they are in the market to obtain at wholesale cost and sell for a profit, now this is where it may get tricky for you to keep up so read slow... in that profit they must cover building lease/rent 5-6000 a month, pay employees that work there, insurance on millions of dollars of merchandise, and various other business expenses such as advertising, reconditioning, and employee uniforms, that this margin of purchase to resale profit you are upset about must cover. Lastly take into consideration they are putting cash up to purchase, its a convenience factor,... of course you could sell it for more other ways, put an ad up, deal with 100 people who have no money or intention to buy...... I have sold and purchased at several cash converters stores, and will continue to do so as it is certainly more financially advantageous and easier than traditional pawn shops. I suggest look into educating yourself in CAPITALISM, its what makes the world work.