If you're interested in paying three times what you're paying now, having your association members mistreated, getting terrible service, and getting looted in other ways, then by all means hire Caruso.
They turned what was a pleasant upscale ommunity to one where the members are at the mercy of these tyrants. You pay them, then it's up to you do make sure they don't screw up, and when they do, guess who pays, yes you.
These morons couldn't process a simple auto-debit that I'd had running with the old mgt. company for eight years. Instead they files suit, never telling me there was an issue, all the while communicating with me via phone and email on other mundane topics in the interim! They cost me $500 in false fees and legal fees. Another tenant had to fax the information about 6 times to them before they processed the into.
Don't believe me, check out their terrible reviews on yahoo or complaints at the BBB for more horror stories.