as a former student of career academy i feel that i need to explain how this school works. although the freshmen program (where you spend your first few months in the school) is amazing and ms. cyndee is an amazing teacher along with the floor instructors mr.alfred , mr. perez, ms. mariah and ms. tina, the rest of the staff is incredibly rude, unprofessional, immature, and seem to make themselves feel better by undermining the other staff and students. on a few occasions ms kathy blatantly disrespected me in front of a client or made me cry in the office (which has glass windows allowing everyone to see in) while clients and other students watched. they dont care nor do they understand when someone id having issues outside of the school and cannot focus only on the school. many students refer to the school as a 'sweatshop' or 'hell' because of the amount of stress put upon us to not only preform above and beyond state board protocol but to the administrations own personal standards that is extremely difficult to meet even for those about to graduate and the fact that we only earn what the clients decide to tip us (2-5 dollars on avarge). for some reason they dont understand that we are STUDENTS!! we are LEARNING!!!! yet the expect us to be able to preform at levels that only those who have been in the business for years can achieve. also, ms dayna and ms kathy tend to favor some students over others, giving them warning instead of write ups (the schools disciplinary actions) or having one student call another to warn them that they're going to be dropped while not giving another student any warning (not even a note sent to the house) untill said student comes in to the school . also, students do tend to make mistakes, while with some students theyll let these mistakes slide with others they not only take disiplenary action but they also personally attack the student and have a tendency to do so infront of patrons of the school.
the front desk that assigns the students clients and procedures also plays the favorites game and will give the students they like the more challenging and widely seen in salon procedures while the rest are stuck doing roller sets, perms, and haircuts. also, ms martha is will get upset and report you to an administrator if you say no to a client even if you have just finished a client, if you haven't taken a break, or if you've been overbooked and just found the time for lunch.
and that brings me to my next point, the break room is disgusting, because of the general lack of respect from many of the students (some high school, some in their 30's and up) the school has had cockroaches, flies, and other bug problems (not to mention the gnats outside that swarm the trash can by the benches). the break room is also often filthy and covered in food, trash, or students trying to keep from getting clients. the bathrooms arent much better.
the clients are often sweet but tend to be over the age of 60, some cant even walk. and not all the clientel is sweet, i personally have been yelled at, harassed and on one occasion pinched very hard by a client.
as far as the students, all i have to say is that if you're considering attending career academy still, ask yourself: did i enjoy the social aspect of high school? did i enjoy the cattiness, cliques, romuors, and lack of privacy?if so, you'll love CAofB. also, make sure you put your name on all of your stuff, things have a tendency to get stolen by students.oh, and for a few months (even now) theyre are fliers around the school telling students to go onto this website and write good reviews for the school to recive a free personal service (that means they get a facial/manicure/haircut etc for free from the school) so be wary of these reviews, im sure plenty are students pretending to be clients.
oh and as far as service, unless you're lucky enough to get someone ready to graduate, you're gunna get what you pay for, and CAofB has some pretty cheap prices..
Pros: 4 good teachers, you'll learn state board, cheap
Cons: you get what you pay for, rude staff members, rude students