As a Type-I Juvenile Diabetic with Hypothyroidism and High Blood-Pressure, I was having an extremely difficult time managing all three conditions with traditional western medicine. I was diagnosed at the age of 12, and as I grew into adulthood (am now 35), it became increasingly difficult to live any semblance of a normal life.\r
I would see both a general practitioner, as well as an endocrinologist on a monthly basis, and no matter how hard I worked to comply with their instructions - whether it was diet, exercise, injection therapy adjustements (insulin), thyroid medication etc., I could simply not gain any balance or control of my conditions. I ate right, was even a Division-I college athlete, but had to stop playing due to my illnesses.\r
Every medical practitioner I visited labeled me a ""compliant brittle-diabetic""(meaning, I was doing all the right things, but was virtually impossible to treat), but my body would simply not stop fighting itself. This left me extremely fatigued, dehyrdrated, and generally left me with a constant sick feeling as well as depression. \r
My specialist recommended I look into an alternative methodology, and I was referred to Dr. Agoado and his practice for another course of treatment.\r
The first time I met Dr. Agoado, unlike traditional doctors I had seen, he sat me down and simply talked to me and put me completely at ease, and explained his methodology in a way that made me look at the human body a bit differently, and in a way that made sense.\r
He recommended I start with herbal treatments to help lower my blood sugars and control my anxiety as well as thyroid and blood pressure conditions, while starting me on weekly Acupuncture treatments.\r
The Acupuncture therapy was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. Dr. Agoado explained the methodolgy behind this treatment, and as I relaxed in an extremely comfortable environment, I began to feel better. After about ten minutes into my first session, I felt a wave of calm come over me, and ironically felt the urge to cry. Now, this sounds strange, but it was a good feeling, as if all of the negative energy and emotions I had built up for so many years, was slowly leaving my body.\r
I have continued to see Dr. Agoado, and not only has my anxiety dissipated, but after only a short while, my blood sugars dropped, I no longer had the extreme fatigue I experienced for so long, and my life was back to normal. I cannot thank Dr. Agoado and his staff enough as they truly changed my life.\r
Best Regards,\r
Damon Vailati\r
Washington, DC\r