I have attempted cardio express three times. Cardio is basically for the younger, uninitiated beginner. If youre a kid looking to start out, its adequate for your needs. If youre an experienced adult with higher standards, then its a place to avoid. Most adults, unlike kids, can afford $30-50 a month for a well-rounded club. Cardio is populated mainly with the low-brow, attention-seeking types. It is not adequate for a balanced wellness program involving interval, tapatta style training, and the trainers are very ignorant in the areas of body mechanics and general body chemistry/dynamics. I prefer healthtrax, as it is staffed with well-versed professional trainers that construct unique work-outs based on client needs. Additionally, while the staff at Cardio may indeed be friendly, that friendliness is in no way genuine. It is very carbon-copy, offering the same cookie cutter juvenile stuff that you would expect if you were shopping at a teen cloting store. It fools the kids, but most well-versed grown ups wouldnt be fooled. I prefer a place that is genuinely interested in providing a truly positive environment. After all, THATS what I pay for. NOT the weights. 45 pounds is 45 pounds and an olympic bar is an olympic bar, no matter where you work. The discerning consumer pays for atmosphere as much as they pay for the facilities. You can tell the difference between a place filled with health-oriented people from a place like Cardio, where most of the kids there are more interested in checking out their arms in the mirrors than in actually developing a serious regimen that benefits them. I suspect that if Cardio Express took down half their mirrors, they would lose half their clients. Way too much self love in that environment. My third attempt at Cardio Express was my last. Cardio loses my business. Cardio just plain loses.