As many of you know buying a new vehicle is no walk in the park and the quicker and easier the deal is the better the experience I alway put my hours in looking and haggling with several dealerships and submit offers over the internet to the locations I don't want to drive to. Anyway, all I can say is once you know what the bottom line is give Leslie Slaybaugh from Cardinale VW a call and tell him what you want and what your bottom line is. This kid will make the effort to get you the car you want for the price you want and have the paperwork filled out and the car detailed and ready to GO, I kid you not, I was in-n-out in about an hour and could not be happier. This is car number two from the same dealership and I'll surely recommend them to all my friends and family, in fact I have already referred two people both who bought from Cardinale and thanked me for the referral, one of them came all the way from Carlsbad. Anyway when you know what you want and your ready to pull the triger I can guarantee that you will leave Cardinale Volkswagen with the vehicle you love at a price you know you could not have beat at any other dealership in So Cal. Seriously, do the math and check for yourself you will be pleasantly surprised