So dissapointing, I've been going to Capones for as long as i can remember, and the past 4 times (over the last year, year and a half) have been PATHETIC!!!!! Some small part of me wants it to be good again, like it used to be, but the bigger part now knows that will never happen. You can tell the owners have no idea how there business is being ran, the service is laughable, when asked for a cheesesteak with no onions a waitress once told our table that "the cooks are in a bad mood, cant you just pick them out". The waitresses all have that fresh out of the trailerpark, hollyweird, what time does the pharmacy close thing, goin on, like the customers are inconvienienceing them by wanting to order food. There's no such thing as a manager, not vissibly anyway. They believe in the "let the innmates run the prison" management style. The food is mediocre at best, and designed to produce profit, not taste good, or even look good. The outside window that looks into the kitchen, gives you a quiet warning of cross contamination, with non refrigerated cheese for all to see, and an oven that hasnt been cleaned since they opened (the 70's). Ive also heard they're a food poison factory (reference to other post). In all fairness, the deck outside offers a abit of atmosphere when its not overrun with obnoxious French Canadians. Maybe thats why the service is so bad......HMMMMMMMMM???\r
Hey Capones!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope Mrs. Capone sees this, and cleans house, Take pride in your business, or hire somone that does, it's the least you can do with your name on the door.