We started Capital Music as a summer break for my son who had been taking "traditional" lessons for 3 years. We had heard that they used technology to enhance the learning experience. Although that's been a cool touch, I've been even more impressed with the instructors and lessons.
The technology comes in the form of some MIDI reading device (whether integrated into the keyboard or as a stand alone player) when the student can listen to their music at different speeds, with either hand isolated, etc. This is great for helping the student work through some tough spots during the practice week. (It's kind of like having your mom come and play sections for you when you get stuck.)
My son's classes are unlike any he's had before. Instead of the basic classical curriculum, he's learning practical music theory. His primary book is a "fake book" which has the melody and basic chords but allows for improvisation. He's had more fun learning and experimenting than all of his other years combi