Triangle Towing owners Scott and Laura Snuvernick and Campus Realty owners John and Lois Stegeman have an illegal towing scam at 520 South Forest Avenue in Ann Arbor Michigan. Michigan laws says signs have to be posted and prominently displayed at designated vehicular access points. This is a large parking lot with no signs. Tow truck drivers watch people park and then tow them immediately. How do they get away with this? John and Lois Stegeman own part of the road in front of the parking lot. They put signs on the street, but no one knows these signs also cover the parking lot. These road signs, however, do not satisfy Michigan law because signs have to be prominently displayed at access points. This is so manipulative its stunning. The Ann Arbor Police and City Government are part of the scam, refusing to rectify the situation and being abusive to anyone who tries.