First of all, we live in Buckhead and eat out just about every meal. We had heard that Cafe Agora was very good and stopped in and placed a To Go order. We paid for our food, and enjoyed it when we got home. We both agreed that we had found a new place to add to our restaurant ""rotation"".
About a week later, we decided again on having Cafe Agora food for dinner, and placed a To Go order by telephone. When I picked the food up (we ordered one of the large ""Mixed Maza Platters"" and a large ""Lamb and Beef Gyro""), I presented a credit card, and was handed the receipt to sign. I was shocked to see that the amount was $35.53, but after hesitating for a moment, went ahead and signed it and proceeded home.
Upon arriving back at our condo, i mentioned to my wife that it was over $35 for a gyro and a platter, and we looked at our take home menu and saw that, indeed, we had been double charged for the Large Gyro. We thought about calling and/or returning to get an adjustment on the credit card, but decided the hassle wasn't worth it, and ""ate"" the mistake. BUT THAT WASN'T THE END OF THE STORY!!!
We received our credit card statement a few days ago, and fortunately, we are those rare folks that literally keep every single credit card receipt and compare it to our statement. It is a pain in the tail, but situations like these (which are INCREDIBLY uncommon) are why we do.
Turns out, the folks at Cafe Angora NOT ONLY ""accidentally"" double-charged us for an entree (which I believed was most likely just an honest mistake on their part...UNTIL), they also ADDED A $3.00 tip before closing out the total.
Let me be clear. We ALWAYS leave a minimum 20% tip when dining out. But we NEVER, EVER tip on take out orders. That is the way we have always done it, and always will. Except this time, these dishonest creeps, AFTER DOUBLE-CHARGING on an entree (which I now realize WAS NOT unintentional), took their dishonesty to a whole other level, ADDING A $3.00 tip WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION, obviously believing we would never catch the mistake. This is called CREDIT CARD FRAUD.
We are in the process of pursuing action against these dishonest creeps on many levels, including our credit card company and consumer protection agencies here in Atlanta. It has become our mission to get the word out on this place and its owner. To no surprise, we have already become aware of two other patrons that are certain they were overcharged or hoodwinked by this character Al and his staff. We look forward to following through on this and encourage anyone with a similar story to come forward with details.
If you have had a similar experience, please post contact info...we would like very much to speak with you.
Thanks and STAY AWAY from this place!!!
Pros: Good food, but irrelevant