I personally have not been to see this Dr, nor would I ever recommend anyone go see this Dr. I have a friend, who just so happens to be HIV+, that sought out treatment from this Dr. and was treated horrible. Am I correct when I say UNIVERSAL PERCAUTION!!!! Ever Dr. is taught this in medical school, I guess she either skipped that day or feel asleep when it was taught. From what I understand she was extremely rude. It really amazes me that someone, especially an African American woman, can discriminate against someone who has HIV. If she did her homework, she should know that she could harm my friend more than my friend could harm her! When will this society realize and get educated on the transmission of HIV/AIDS. Very sad that now my friend had to go through this type of treatment, especially by a supposely knowledgeable medical profession. My friend will probably never trust another Dr in fear of the same situation. Did it ever occur to anyone that this may be the reason that the infection rate is rising, because of the discrimination? I would be weary too, if I were in my friend's shoes.