I see that Bunny's is listed as a ""dive bar"". Man, that makes me really really sad that we here in the Twin Cities area are relegading a solid neighborhood establishment such as Bunny's into the category of ""Dive"". \r
Dive, to me, signifies dark, smoky, where the purpose if getting drunk. Bunny's, esp in it's new location, is bright, happy, and although it's not trendy (thus I suspect it being relagaded to ""Dive"" status), it's clientelle is middle to upper-middle class. The drinks are not expensive, the food is reasonable (try the buffallo drummies) and the conversation is down to earth. The crowd here tens to be 30s-40s, the wait staff attentive, the music is not loud. Oh, did I mention the prices are reasonable?\r
Downside, it's not a trendy pickyp bar, and sometimes it's so popular (especially happy hours 5-6) that you might have to park on the street.
Pros: Value!
Cons: Parking