I'm honestly suprised at the over-the-top positive reviews. I would like to say I shared such a great experience, however that is not the case. I don't have anything really negative or positive to say about the one staff person who was there. When I walked into the bounce area, the first thing I noticed was the smell...it smelled dirty. I noticed the seating for adults was old and dirty and I second guessed sitting on them. At that point I would have left if it would not have been for my daughter's dissappointment at the idea. She didn't take long, however...a patch on a piece of the equipment scratched her. I decided to inspect the bouncers and saw that they are pretty well worn out. What it comes down to is that I won't be returning with any of my children. I'm still really suprised at the other reviews...I would challene anyone to go visit the place to see the truth. It was probably once very nice...now it's pretty much a rat hole.