I suggest not giving your credit card. We saw Dr. Hauppers. My son came home from his appt and was told he had 9 cavities. This shocked me since a year before he had none. I was told that they were tiny but you should fix them right away before they develop into larger cavities. While my son was there they gave him samples which included a MI paste...My husband took my daughter there for her appt. While checking out they told him they needed our credit card on file in case our insurance company didn't pay. I've never had to do this at any dentist or dr. office prior. Isn't that why they call your insurance company? To find out what your insurance company will pay for & that you are eligible for the benefits!...2 weeks later I noticed 2 charges on my credit card. One for $26 & one for $62. I called & they said "when we looked up your insurance we see that you have a 20% copay." Which was totally not true, my coverage is 100%. It also didn't make sense since the $26 for 1 of my kids & the $62 which was for another, didn't equal 20% of their charges. Plus my other daughter & I never were charged at all. Found out that $25 of the $62 was for the MI Paste they gave my son. I said "did you tell him there was a charge for this paste?" in a snotty tone she said "I don't know what the hygienist told him, but he is 21 & it is something that he needs." I later asked my son & he said she never mentioned that there would be a charge...After my daughters appt my husband walked out of there saying how unprofessional they were. My daughter had braces & has beautiful teeth. During her appt, they sat & bashed the orthodontic job....I was out of town while my husband had a Saturday appt. On Friday night there was a snow storm & my husband was called in to plow. He returned home at 10am on Saturday morning. He called in the middle of the night & left a msg canceling his appt. Next morning I received a call saying he wasn't at his appt. I told them I was out of town & I know that he plowed all night so I wonder if he forgot the appt. or slept through it. I said can I just reschedule his appt. when I get home? She said Yes that's fine. A week later they sent me a note saying my credit card was going to be billed $50 for the missed appt. That's when I found out he had called & canceled the appt. but didn't give 24 hrs notice. I called & explained the situation but they didn't care why he missed the appt. I proceeded to tell her that when they called me to see where he was they never mentioned that he would be billed $50. If I knew that I would have called him to wake him up & get him there. I don't like how they charge you without mentioning the charges in advance...I also was told that all my fillings need to be removed. I said I'd like to get a 2nd opinion so I'd like my x-rays. They said it would be $10 for them to e-mail me the x-rays or $25 to put them on a disk. There was only 2 pictures & they wanted to bill me $10 to take 2 seconds to e-mail them. Nice customer service! I thought that once they were paid for they were considered my x-rays anyway. Well, they said this isn't the case...I sent an e-mail regarding all these problems and asked that they credit my credit card. I also asked for Dr. Hauppers e-mail so I could let her know why she was going to be losing 5 patients. I got an e-mail back from the office manager who did refund me those charges, but I asked 3 different times for Dr. Hauppers e-mail & was never given it. Hopefully she will now be able to read about these issues here...$ seems to be their driving force not the well being of their patients...I was at a party this weekend & I overheard a woman talking about how disgusted she was with this new dentist office, found out she was talking about Bull Valley. She had some of the same issues, they billed her credit card as well & she was also billed the $25 for the paste without her knowledge. BEWARE!
Pros: null
Cons: null