we have made many purchase over the years at Buckman's Ski Shop on montgomeryville and I must say the other day when I was buying a jacket for my son, this place took a nose dive. I was looking at a jacket that my son brought over, he brought it over to show me the price tag and it was $600 lol yes a lot of money but the funny thing I already bought this identical jacket but I bought it for $375, it was the same exact jacket.
A lady who worked there wearing a $5 dollar turtle neck and a pairof home made hanging ratings came over and bitter in saying ""yeah, if you're not in the top 1.5% of incomes you're shopping at the wron place. I was absolutely shocked at the midget size intellectual capacity of this automiton. After laughing my head off at her uncouth and completely pathetic attempt to school me on economics we ended up buying something else. If she was a guy I would have hacked a lugy and spit it between her eyes.
Wow what is this world coming to? A person can't get a real job due to inability to retain basic information only to regurgitate it for a test, they float around at nickel and dime jobs making $7 per hour and then land a career gig making $7.05 at Buckman's and now they develop this goofy and cocky trigger as if by making an additional .05 cents per hour this mind midget retard some how becomes Socrates.
Hey I'm all for the working man but this chick is off her rocker if she thinks anyone is going to buy her fraudulent act. Come spring she will be back to working the french fry rack at Mc D's. She's a total loser.