An emergency brought us to Brookfield, but I should back up a bit and say that good friends had been urging us to consider Brookfield for several years. We had been reluctant because of our great 20+ year relationship with Bothell Pet Hosptal (also a 5 star vet clinic!), but as we live in Redmond -- getting to Bothell was a long commute each & every time.
So about the emergency -- Brookfield staff got us in very promptly, and cleaned & sewed up the wound super promptly, with Excellent follow-up calls & exams & stich removal. All perfect.
Since then, we've been back for ""Comprehensive Check-Ups"", and most importantly, thanks to the extremely detailed exam by Dr. Erin Russell following an episode of lethargy -- we became aware of a serious internal condition -- and have been able to manage it very well with the help of *EVERYONE* at Brookfield.
Because of the serious condition of one of our pets, we have been down at Brookfield a great deal, have met all of the doctors, vet techs, and office staff - and all are absolutely top notch.
I am typically a pretty harsh critic on review sites (feeling organizations only improve if they get the facts of where they need to improve), but in the case of Brookfield -- I can only say... Please keep up what you're doing!