Darrell Brett created a disability where none previously existed. I was an extremely athletic young woman who is now in chronic pain, cannot sleep longer than four hours, must now use a cane on my 'good' days and a rollator on the bad. Whereas I previously experienced sciatic pain in one leg once a month for a day or two, I now suffer constant pain and weakness from my lower back through both legs down to my feet. X-rays prove that Darrell Brett took no measures to straighten and reset my spine before locking it into a fusion, then broke one of the screws off into my right sacroiliac bone where it is now permanently imbedded. Just as the other reviewers have stated, Darrell Brett is an immensely arrogant quack who cares nothing for other human beings beyond collecting blood money. Keep doing what you do Darrell, just know that you're getting old and your time is running out. All the riches on earth won't save you from what awaits you when you leave this world.