Buyer beware ! I bought a gift card for my wife for her birthday since she has been experiencing issues with her bra straps falling down, Bravo claim to fit the bra and the lady was very confident (As I handed over $100) that she could help. I was very excited that at last there seemed to be a knowledgeable person who could help. After 4 fittings, some adjustments (one sewed the bra strap on with a twist !), and numerous trials we have given up. At this point you might think they would offer a refund, a store credit or even some more ideas right ? Wrong ! I was not expecting the rude and discourteous response - at one point I was told ""we only fit them in the shop, we can't account for when she moves around"". I was told my wife had picked the bra, which is true except that it was from a selection the ""Expert Fitter"" had said would work and was promised the alteration would take care of any issues. My wife was told to try it at home, which she did, when this still resulted in the straps falling down she was told she needed to wash it, so she did. We were not told that any sort of wearing of the bra would mean we have given up our right to return the item. At best they are misleading the customer, at worst they are not living up to the claims they may about being able to fit. So I am no longer eligible for any sort of refund. We are now left out of pocket for a useless Bra because they refuse to do do the right thing. I'm disgusted and feel very mislead. I recommend you check the fine print. Anyone need a 38C !!