I'm not sure if this guy is still in the same location as he used to be, I think he may have moved down the street, but please, whatever you do, stay away from him for laser tattoo removal. He really doesn't know what he's doing. He's just a doctor with a laser. I'm sure he's a great gynocologist (yes, that's what he really does), which is great and all, but he knows nothing about removing tattoos. I went to him because the first treatment was advertised as free. Well there was no second treatment because I didn't go back because A) the laser had dust on it (seriously, not a lot, but a little layer), which is never a good sign, B) it hurt like burning lava, C) my tattoo was DARKER afterward. Yes, darker. I didn't think that was possible. I haven't been back and that was over a year ago. I'm just now getting comfortable with the idea of looking for a new doctor to remove my tattoo because of the fear this guy put in me.