I brought in my dad (w/Alzheimers) and his old cat (21 years old). Ollie had a bunch of problems, mostly due to old age, and a slow growing cancer. The vets here were wonderful and helped me help my dad. Ollie was with us for another 4 months, relatively pain free, due to their care and their compassion. When the painful decision was made that Ollie was no longer able to continue (it had spread to his jaw and mouth and he was no longer eating), they were wonderful with my dad and letting him hold Ollie and cuddle him as they gave him the last injection and let us stay with Ollie until my dad was ok about it. Then the doctor said they had a 4 month old stray, that had been with them for months, looking for a good home. So Duncan (called Sunshine by the staff) came to live with my dad. And now Dad & Duncan have joined my household, since Dad can no longer live on his own. But Duncan has brought joy to my dad and mischief into my life... Thank you all!