As small as this book store is, it packs a lot into its space and does it really well. Inside, there is a cute (horrible, but true- it's plain cute!) and somewhat 'mod-French' cafe, with a couple of tables and chairs in a 6x6 area of floor, by god! A display case with goodies and no doubt, a cappuccino maker, too. The shop is small enough so that by the time you saunter over to get a scone, someone will have sauntered over to get you a scone in the same manner.
The atmosphere is young, and there is a lot to look at. Only, only go to this store with a free hour or so to look around. They have an entire half of the store dedicated to local mini-galleries, and you will spend money. Handmade bags, bowls, sculptures. The gift gallery is the secret garden of this place.
They also have a lot of unique, rare books that you won't find too easily at B&N or on a Kindle.