I was a frequent shopper at this beauty supply store, however, after my last few visits, I've decided to take my business elsewhere. The owner isn""t friendly at all, and from the moment you enter her store she is very suspicious of you! If you want to see wigs (as was the purpose of my visit) she will not accompany you to the back of the store, she stayed up front while I shouted from inquiries from the back about color possibilities of different wigs! Then she acted as if she could care less if you buy anything or not, no sales pitch at all because she is constantly watching the door as others enter. Not sure if this is an ethnic problem but I assume so because people who were entering were all of the same race. Her prices and merchandise has changed for the worst also. Other beauty supply stores (Whittaker Rd. & Gault Village) are much better with both staff assistance and merchandise variety and prices!