The downside to ordering stickers from Blue Bee is that they're pretty costly per square inch.
The upside is that they're still some of the cheapest you can find online. As well, the scaling for bulk orders is very generous - it's better to order in large quantity if you can. The printing was very clean - though my design contained incredibly fine lines, grain texture and six or seven colors it all came out with crystal clarity; if you broke out a magnifying glass you could still see the fine edges on it.
The stickers are fairly durable: they tend to crease where the contact paper comes off the back (which can be fixed by smoothing the sticker with a credit card), and since the printing surface isn't covered by anything they can be scratched, but I haven't seen any get dinged up except the one I tested with a pocketknife.
In all BB presents high quality stickers cost-effectively and quickly.