I brought my dog, a walker coonhound, here to be kenneled for 1 week. When I brought her home I found that the end of her tail was bloody and missing hair. Upon calling the kennel, I was told that "this happens to some dogs, great danes, some hounds..its from wagging their tail against the 3 ft concrete dividers...just put some peroxide on it and she should be fine." My dog has about 4 inches of white at the end of a long, whiplike tail, and the last inch was red with dried blood. The kennel said this is a rarity, however even knowing that it could happen with my type of dog, she was not checked for any injuries. I will not be bringing my dog back here, and I have learned my lesson in making sure to check where my dog is staying before I pick a kennel.\r
(However they do use a good, natural dog food.)