I have been to Judy for years. I had just moved into a new town and was reluctant to finding a new hair dresser. I was referred by a friend to Judy at Big City Style, which was conveniently located close to where I go to grad school (Nova). She was super sweet and welcoming, which put me at ease. The real test, however, was the final result of my hair. I had NEVER EVER dyed my hair nor put permanent products in it. I was a ""hair virgin"", so I was there for a cut/trim only. Judy suggested soft natural red highlights in my chestnut colored hair. She said it would add a pop of color and yet look natural. I put my trust in her and it worked. She was a pro from knowing the exact shade to compliment my fair skin tone, to the layering in my trim. Now, I'm a regular there and as God is my witness, I get a compliment on my hair EVERY SINGLE DAY. As corny as that sounds, I feel like Judy played a role in heightening my self-esteem. She is FABULOUS, TRUSTWORTHY, and a TRUE HAIR CARE PROFESSIONAL.
You will NOT be disappointed.
Request Judy at your next visit and prepare to look completely amazing.
P.S-You can see the highlights in the Big City Salon photo gallery!