My little sister wanted to go and pet the puppies at the store and me, my cousin and my mom brought her, she was waiting all day. We walked into the store and my sister ran right through the gate and started to pet them, when she was nicley asked by a blonde young lady that worked there if she had paid, knowing she didn't she left and went to my mom asking for one dollar, my mom was shocked. She gave her a dollar and started to talk to my cousin, then my cousin had seen it was five for one on one time, my mom being my mom said psh, and continued sitting there. and from behind the counter the manger of the store mocking her said psh right back then continued to talk behind the counter about how they donated the money and so on, then it went down from there, but I believe my mom will be making a comment aswell. What made ME comment? the fact that after he had called mall security he just would not stop, and I looked at my cousin, honestly not caring if he heard or not and said ' what happened to the coustemers always right? ' I had said nothing before, I was trying to stay out of it considering I'm a child. The man aproached me then saying "" You're just a snob and need to get. out. "" I turned and looked at him confused because I was clearly not talking to him, and if I was I was the least bit rude, I then said "" I'm a fourteen year old child, your how old? this conversation is over "" and tried walking away when he made his way past me and pointed in my face yellling "" GET OUT "" and also pointed at my cousin mom AND little sister screaming. I was really shocked at the fact he really had the nerve to do that knowing his reputation reflects on the store being he is the manager. I guess people never seize to amazing you. even at my age, I know that is unacceptable. I wouldn't put it past him to deny a refund, calling someone crazy, or curse another adult out infront of a child, he had no problem getting in a childs face and calling her a snobb. We left before security even came, he scared my sister into asking to leave because she didn't wanna go to jail. That's amazing. Correct me if I'm wrong but there is a big difference between doing your job and protecting your store and making your way into conversations and being plain rude, not to mention he was disrespecting a child, I had to be the bigger person and leave. I have to say all and all i've never met a person so rude, and I was very apauled to find he ran that store, really.