I live in Key Largo, and the round trip of 120 miles is nothing but a waste of time and effort.\r
The sales reps will tell you they have everything you want in stock and when you get there you will find that the particular item in question was probably just sold a few moments before you walk through the door, and of course it will be in tomorrow so you can put those additional hundred and 20 miles on your vehicle at a cost of one dollar per mile zone now it just cost you $240 to purchase a $200 item.\r
And then when the item doesn't work properly you can put an additional 120 miles on at a cost of $360 in only vehicle monies and wear and tear to purchase something that you could abort over the Internet and had delivered the next day for $29.\r
Aside from that their return policy socks... and you have to wait for a check in the mail for returned items which takes three weeks to a month.\r
And if all this wasn't enough they are arrogant and demeaning in that they treat you like you are an idiot when in fact they are lying to you from the very first moment they get you on the phone so that you will buy their product and be at their mercy for the duration of your venture.\r
I wouldn't buy something from Best Buy if it was on sale at half the price of any of the manufacturer in America!\r
There are namebrand companies that have two day delivery for $29 and 100% guarantees with no questions asked and I cannot possibly comprehend why someone wouldn't use this type of service as opposed to going to Best Buy and being treated like an idiot, lied to, and driving 360 miles for an item that broke 20 minutes after I plugged it in and I had to wait 27 days for my return check.\r
It would be best If Best Buy went out of business a.k.a. the sooner the better.\r