After using Nikon-F film cameras since '68, I finally decided to totally convert to a Nikon digital camera and spent some time with a couple of the sales folks at Bernie's Photo and decided that a Nikon D90 would satisfy all my needs and was told that they'd be willing to accept my Nikon FTN and four lenses on trade. I had a relative call later to determine if they had a D90 in stock and the fellow he spoke to at Bernie's tried to talk him into a different model which, as I found out by perusing the Nikon site, is more expensive. Considering this, I purchased a D90 and a couple Nikkor lenses elsewhere. I've since found that I wanted to get a 70-399mm Nikkor zoom lens and stopped at Bernie's again, was told on 12/23/13 that they didn't have a Nikon D90 in stock and that it would have to be ordered from Nikon and they were closed for the holidays. They indicated that they would have it shipped to me in NC but, when I called on 1/17/14 to inquire as to why I hadn't received my lens yet, I was told they had it there and they would ship it. I finally received the lens on 1/21/14. Please note that Howard at Bernie's Photo had increased the price of the 70-300mm Nikkor lens above the Nikon suggested retail price in order to cover what he was supposedly ""giving me for my trade"" in of my old Nikon FTN and four lenses. Any future purchases will be done via B&H in NY.