I have used this florist for many many many YEARS!All my varying recipients have said the arrangements have always been perfect & arrived on time! I recently for the first time, used GRASSI's on Center&Union for a Tacoma online order. Grassi's skimped. They were 10 days late! (and that is only because I had called to ask them why weren't my flowers delivered!) They didn't know!? Then delivered them 2 days later, after being called!! I have NEVER EVER had this problem with Bentons! Benton's have been in business for a long time.There is a reason for that! They are trustable. Efficient. Creative. Precise. Polite. The arrangementsI have ordered online have looked EXACTLY like what is delivered from Bentons! I will continue to use them. (Recently they delivered the flowers when someone was not home. They took the time to CALL THEM to make sure they knew the flowers were on their door step!) Keep up the Good Work BENTONS!(Fife Florists will be used next time for the Tacoma order! Fife has b