This message is to David T. whose wife entered our store, with a diamond ring that had not been looked at in over 3 years, and was covered in filth and grime, to the point no one could even see the diamonds, until it was cleaned. We were also informed that the customer is a nurse and the ring had MRSA on it. We were instructed to rhodium plate the ring, however, after it was cleaned there was a .01 mm diamond missing on the underside of the shank, this diamond was so small it would not have been seen under all that filth. Per store policy we never work on a ring that is defective until the customer is notified, and she was notified with 4 phone calls, and never answered because her voicemail was full. This customer came in to pick up the ring. When we informed her the stone was missing, and that we could not rhodium plate it, This customer said YOU WILL FIX IT, slammed her hands on our glass counters, screamed and shouted blame at the girl in the back, raised her fists at my employee trying to help her and then proceeded to call the police on us, because we would not work on the ring, as it needed major repairs, which are not our responsibility to take care of when a customer damages their ring. The police came and asked her to step outside, and informed her that there was nothing that they could do, because we did nothing criminal. However, this is a $30.00 fix, and had the customer not been so rude and violent, we would have actually fixed it for her at no charge. However, employees don't need abuse from customers, and do not have the ability to say whether we are going to fix it or not as the owner was not present.\r
This .01mm diamond is still at the store, with a crack down the center. That was done by force from the person wearing this ring. The broken item is still in the store in a baggie waiting for the customer to pick it up.\r
Now, this second item. I will be contacting my lawyer, to these slanderous remarks. We have never EVER taken someones diamond, and replaced it with another. My business is not worth a small diamond. I have many other diamonds, and something that could be automatically reproduced, and put into another ring would be of little value to this business. This person is relying on hearsay, or has made this entire thing up. We have never been visited by the police for any reason other than theft by unlawful taking.